I work in Salt Lake City. Like any major city, SLC has homeless. Like any major city, SLC has panhandlers. I've been asked for money on countless occasions. On some occasions I've been told extremely sad stories. On most occasions I've wondered who legitimately needed help.
A couple of years ago, I kept passing the same lady right outside of Temple Square. She stands there everyday asking for money. I will not lie, I feel extremely uncomfortable when I pass her. She never seems to share specifics about what she wants money for, but I always wanted to do something to help. I debated giving her money in my head. I was afraid that if I gave her money she would use it for inappropriate reasons. Then again, who am I to judge her motives?
I have heard of documented cases of panhandlers going home to live in nice houses. I have heard of people collecting money for gambling (especially outside of Las Vegas). I have heard of people using money for drugs; in fact, someone I know told me that while visiting New York City they saw people holding signs that said things like, "I'm not going to lie. I'm going to use the money for drugs. Please give me some money."
How was I supposed to know that the money I gave this woman outside of Temple Square wasn't going to go towards feeding an addiction instead of a stomach? How was I supposed to know that this woman wasn't scamming people? I decided that I didn't know and there was no way for me to really know. I decided that the best thing I could do to help her was to offer her some food.
So, one day, I packed extra lunch to work. I left a little bit early so I would have time to talk to her. When I got to her I asked her for her name and asked her what she needed. We had a small conversation and she told me that she needed money and that anything would help. I honestly answered her by saying, "I don't have any cash with me, but I have some extra food."
"No thanks! Someone already gave me food," she said gesturing to her backpack, "but I could really use some money."
On another occasion, I brought her an extra apple for her. This was her response, "I have diabetes, but I could really use some money."
It is still difficult for me to discern her motives. I have never given her money and the responses she has given me, gives me reason to be even more careful about offering her money. However, I still am deeply touched by the words of Jesus Christ, King Benjamin, and the stories of modern prophets giving shoes off their feet and clothes off their backs for those in need.
Jesus Christ said, "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40).
King Benjamin said, "If ye judge the man who putteth up his petition to you for your substance that he perish not, and condemn him, how much more just will be your condemnation for withholding your substance" (Mosiah 4:22).
In General Conference Elder Jeffery R. Holland said, "Perhaps some have created their own difficulties, but don't the rest of us do exactly the same thing?" Elder Holland continues, "I don't know exactly how each of you should fulfill your obligation to those who do not or cannot always help themselves. But I know that God knows, and He will help you and guide you in compassionate acts of discipleship" (General Conference, October 2014).
In the sincerity of my heart, I have thought of more ways that I could help those in need. With my limited resources, this is something that will add to what I am already determined to do. You are welcome to use my idea, but I pray that if you are able to help in other ways, you will listen to the Spirit guide you to the ways that you specifically can help. I have known those who have made blankets, volunteered at homeless shelters, donated to humanitarian efforts, and the list could go on and on.
With that being said, this is what I am determined to start doing. After I offer someone food, I am going to ask them what they are looking for help with specifically. Then I am going to try and sincerely point them in the right direction. I have created a document with addresses of homeless shelters, food banks, and employment resource centers in the Salt Lake City area. I am going to print these out and have them on hand when I'm on my way to work.
You can download the document by clicking here. It is a half sheet of paper with great resources for those seeking help.
I also am going to sincerely try to listen to the Spirit guide me in other ways I can help. I want to end with some links to some really inspiring videos of people helping homeless (each one is two to four minutes long).
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