Tomorrow is a Brand
New Day
Matthew Havertz
Tomorrow is
a brand new day!
I like to say,
“I can
restart! I can make my mark,
embark, really do my part!”
For tomorrow
is a brand new day!
So different
is tomorrow’s ground!
I really love
that hopeful sound.
Today is late.
Greater joys await
fate. Then I will go straight!
For different
is tomorrow’s ground!
I tell
myself tomorrow’s kind,
But never
find within my mind
Her open
gate. I procrastinate.
Danger’s my fate when I choose to wait
And tell
myself tomorrow’s kind.
My days become all yesterdays
Because I wait
for the somedays—
For a
Sunday, for a fresh new week,
A fresh new
year, till I see the peak!
My days become all yesterdays
No more. No
more! The truth is clear.
The future
is no longer near.
The time is
here! Oh, can you hear?
I’ll steer
my fear to the rearview mirror.
No more. No more! The truth is clear.
No more. No more! The truth is clear.
gone. I’ll right the wrong.
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